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- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.049171347

Wimbledon is special to me not because I played the tennis circuit during my schooling days but for the insights that I get into life and business in general. The 2012 edition in particular was unique, given that a Brit was in the finals of the men’s singles game, that was happening after 74 years. ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.08692348

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Tuesday was prevented from delivering the keynote address at the opening sessions of the Commonwealth Business Council following a raucous demonstration by Sri Lanka Tamil expatriates and human rights activists opposite the venue of the symposium at Mansion House in London. The morning sessions were cancelled by the organisers ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.049171347

“The demoralising, destructive character of the patriotic degeneracy….” Sebastian Haffner (Germany: Jekyll and Hyde) By Tisaranee Gunasekara It was the Oxford Debacle all over again. The events were drearily predicable. Sri Lanka, like every Commonwealth nation, received an invitation for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II. President Rajapaksa, unlike most Commonwealth leaders,...

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.35946277

BBC: A senior Sri Lankan official has said that he has no idea about the whereabouts of a disappeared journalist seven months after saying he believed the man was alive and living abroad. Human rights activists say that the remarks of former Attorney-General Mohan Peiris betray insensitivity

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.043024927

The NSB/TFC deal and the General Recent events in Sri Lanka have reconfirmed that though seemingly power may be unlimited, there are in reality constraints which limit the options those in power have. As proof of this fundamental reality, the first event is the purchase by the National Savings Bank (NSB), a State-owned entity, whose ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.4313553

This country’s history is repeating itself with deadly accuracy. Last week Gotabaya Rajapaksa reiterated what Sinhalese leaders have been saying since the parting of ways with the Tamils in 1958. In an interview with the BBC on Monday (May12) Rajapaksa was asked about ‘a recent local government

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.098342694

Reducing military presence in the north is a tricky challenge for the Government. The danger of LTTE sympathisers destabilising the region needs to be counterbalanced by a growing international and political focus on the issue. In such an atmosphere, striking a delicate balance is difficult and often open to criticism and fraction from all sides. ...

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.086049855

Gurcharan Das, the author of the international bestseller, ‘India Unbound’ is scheduled address the Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2012 to be held from 10 to 12 July, at the Cinnamon Grand. Das will address the inauguration ceremony of the Sri Lanka Economic Summit on the evening of 10 July. His address is titled ‘Are there ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.13743809

Documentary Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, along with Jamal Osman’s reporting from Somalia, won the awards for the channel Channel 4 documentary Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, which at the time was described by presenter Jon Snow as “one of the most important” stories he had ever reported, collected two prizes at the One World Media Awards last ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.043024927

Receipt of aid, both in the form of grant aid and concessional aid, like in the good old days, would give an impetus to development. When there are roads, power plants and power connections, water supply and sewerage facilities and such like built, that would also give a fillip to investments and therewith job creation ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.061464183

Relatives and friends of Sri Lankan Tamils who risked their lives in search of a better future abroad after the end of the war in May 2009 are desperately seeking information as to their fates. Thousands of Tamils migrated from the country to escape the violence of the 30-year civil war, which ended with Sri ...

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.049171347

Let’s accept it, Sri Lanka made a statement to the world that we are open for business with Expo 2012, even though it had its limitations like the faulty air conditioner at the launch that grabbed media attention. Whilst some can say that the shine was taken off the event due to the very uncomfortable ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.049171347

In May, 2003, I travelled around Iraq reporting on its oil industry. Before reaching Baghdad, I got in touch with Marie Colvin, who was there covering the war and its aftermath for the Sunday Times, where I worked from 1986 to 1993. She wrote back to say that she was staying at a hunt club in ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.122928366

The British Embassy in Colombo today monitored the return of a group of failed asylum seekers who had been deported from Britain. According to the Embassy, the British Deputy High Commission in Sri Lanka Robbie Bulloch monitored the return of 52 failed asylum seekers at the Katnayake airport. “I visited Colombo airport today to observe ...

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- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.098342694

Britain has questioned concerns raised by two charities which say that Sri Lankan Tamils deported from the UK are at danger of being tortured or raped. Another charter flight returning people to the island nation, including Tamil and Sinhala failed asylum-seekers, is due to leave on Tuesday. But Human Rights Watch and Freedom from Torture ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.061464183

Reporters Without Borders calls on all members of the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council, which began its 19th session yesterday, to pass a resolution condemning the Sri Lankan government’s violations of freedom of information and to demand an end to threats and violence against news media and human rights defenders in Sri Lanka. “For ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.049171347

THERE are signs that the international community is gearing up for action to hold Sri Lanka accountable for alleged war crimes committed by its forces at the end of the brutal civil war against the Tamil Tiger rebels in 2009. A resolution is being prepared for next month’s session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.07375702

“I believe a journalist can change the world,” says exiled Sri Lankan journalist Sonali Samarasinghe, “if not why are we here then”. Sonali is one of three exiled journalists, from the minority Tamil and majority Sinhalese communities, whose stories are told in a new Norwegian film, Silenced Voices, by Beate Arnestadpreviewed last night at the Fritt ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.35946277

Francis Harrison, former BBC foreign correspondent whose book of accounts of survivors from Sri Lankas civil war is to be published this summer, says in an article in the Dawn, that there are "signs that the international community is gearing up for action to hold Sri Lanka accountable

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- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.08692348

A UN special envoy arrived Friday for talks with the new administration in the Maldives, as former president Mohamed Nasheed called for fresh elections after being ousted in what he called a coup d'etat, AFP reported. Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco reached the capital Male early Friday and was due to hold talks with new president Mohamed Waheed. “There will be a meetin...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.030732092

The extrajudicial killing of civilians, surrendering soldiers and dissident journalists under the direction of the Sri Lankan government has been alleged by a former general in the Army who was extremely well-placed to comment on military activity during the island nation’s bloody civil war. The source, whose name is withheld for reasons of safety, had high-level ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.08692348

News Pre-premiere of ‘Silenced Voices – Tales of Sri Lankan Journalists in Exile’ and panel debate   The Fritt Ord Foundation invites the public to a debate and film screening of Silenced Voices – Tales of Sri Lankan Journalists in Exile on Thursday 9 February 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vika Cinema (Vika 2) in Oslo. There will be ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 2.967733

Sri Lanka has reportedly ordered 161 foreign Muslim preachers to leave the country for flouting visa regulations. A senior immigration official was quoted as saying that the clerics had no right to preach in mosques because they had arrived on tourist visas, BBC reports. .

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.122928366

Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna is to make an official visit to Sri Lanka on 16 January to discuss bilateral relations and security in the region. The Government web site said that in an interview given to the Indian Journal Business Standards, Krishna has said that the Indian Government has never provided overt or ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.030732092

Below is an interview with Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleke published in the French Diplomatic Review – La Lettre Diplomatique (The Diplomatic Letter) Two years after the end of a three decades conflict, the lifting of the emergency rule in late August 2011 confirmed the beginning of a new era for Sri Lanka. With the recent discovery of ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.098342694

Tributes have been paid to a "committed" Red Cross worker who died after being attacked on Christmas Day while on holiday, the Press Association reported Khuram Shaikh, 32, from Manchester, a physiotherapist working for the International Red Cross in the Middle East, was killed in the tourist resort of Tangalle, about 100 miles south of the capital Colombo.   Unmarried Mr Shaikh was t...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.35946277

(Srilankamirror) - The convicted insider trader, Sri Lankan born Raj Rajaratnam, has been handed a record fine by the Securities and Exchange Commission in a civil case. A judge ordered the former founder of Galleon Group, a hedge fund, to pay 92.8 million dollars in penalties, BBC reports

- - Category : Business - Relavancy : 0.04346174

Following is the address delivered by Senior Minister for International Monetary Cooperation Dr. Sarath Amunugama at the fourth South Asia Economic Summit (SAES IV) Plenary Session: In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, there has been a noticeable shift in economic clout, moving from the USA and the debt-plagued countries of the Eurozone, to ...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.122928366

British Prime Minister David Cameron urged Sri Lanka on Sunday to make progress on human rights before it hosts the next Commonwealth leaders meeting in 2013 to prevent the likelihood of boycotts, AFP reported. Cameron said he pressed President Mahendra Rajapaske during this year's Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Australia to show that Colombo did not "have things to hide" fol...

- - Category : Breaking News - Relavancy : 0.4313553

There seems to be a link between Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), illegal drugs and the recent murder of a presidential advisor, says the owner of a private media network. Shan Wickramsinghe, the owner of the TNL media network, told BBC Sandeshaya that ...

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