Home » Vision: Helping Sri Lanka with Buddhist Education and Digital Skills for Objective Growth

Vision: Helping Sri Lanka with Buddhist Education and Digital Skills for Objective Growth

by Buddhist Embassy
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Mixing Buddhist teachings with knowing how to use computers can make Sri Lanka’s future better. By giving people knowledge, skills, and the ability to use digital equipment, Sri Lanka can grow and make a society where everyone is working well together.

Making Learning and Teaching Better:

To make this happen, we have a plan. We want to focus on teaching people how to use computers. We need to check what is happening now and make sure schools have enough computers. To do this without spending too much money, we can get help from other countries, the government, and Buddhist groups overseas. By working together, we can make sure everyone in Sri Lanka gets to learn about Buddhism and computers, and this will help the country grow together.

Knowing How to Use Computers is Important:

Using computers is not just about knowing techie stuff. It is also about understanding how to use them well, being aware, and being able to use digital tools. Here is how knowing about computers can help:

1. Using Mobile Phones: We can teach people how to use mobile phones to learn computer stuff, like through apps or text messages. This will help them get better jobs.

2. Helping with Social Issues: People can use their computer skills to make positive changes in society, like talking about prominent issues online and being part of groups that help others.

3. Learning New Things: Knowing about computers helps us find information online, understand it, and even create new things from what we learn.

4. Being Creative Online: People can write blogs, make videos, and do other creative stuff online, which helps them learn how to communicate better.

5. Handling Online Life: It is important to know how to be safe and smart online, like with online shopping and privacy.

6. Finding Information: Knowing how to use computers helps us find and understand information online, which is important today.

7. Being Ready for Changes: We need to keep up with modern technology and know how to use it.

8. Getting Education: We want everyone in Sri Lanka to have the same chances to learn online, as the geographical location is not important.

9. Sharing Resources Fairly: Sharing information online helps everyone, like with healthcare, farming, and dealing with disasters.

10. Finding Jobs: Learning about computers helps people get jobs and helps the country grow.

In Sri Lanka, we have a long history of teaching Buddhism. So, it makes sense to teach about computers along with Buddhism. By mixing old wisdom with new computer skills, Sri Lanka can grow together:

1. Schools: We should add computer classes to the school curriculum so that everyone learns how to use computers, starting from when they are young.

2. Keep Learning and Helping Teachers: Teachers should keep learning about innovative technology so they can instruct their students better.  We should help teachers learn more about computers so they can teach better.

3. Universities: We should make computer courses in universities better and more interesting.

4. Community Learning Centers: In rural areas, we should set up places with computers and the Internet where people can learn for free or economical.

5. Everyone Gets a Chance: No matter where you live, you should be able to learn about computers.

6. Helping Everyone Grow: Learning about computers helps the country grow.

7. Giving Power: Teaching about computers gives people the power to do things online.

8. Working Together: We can work with groups and businesses to set up these learning centers.

In the end, mixing Buddhist values with computer skills can help Sri Lanka grow. Our goal is to make sure everyone knows how to use computers, no matter who they are or where they come from.

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